Libera Shareables

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Libera Shareables

Post by swalker2001 »

I have made a number of social media shareables that I've been posting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you'd like to see them I have finally collected them all in one place on my Flickr account. Here's the link:

You can view them and download them if you'd like to share them on your own social media. Many of them are square to help with Instagram posts. You might run into trouble with some of these on Facebook due to their copyright checking. Most of them have some Libera music in them.

I'm not advertising anything with these; in fact my name isn't even on them. They're just for anyone that wants to share them to help spread the word about the most awesome boys choir in the world, Libera.

Flickr only allows up to 3 minutes of video so I'm going to call this one out separately. It's a collection of outtakes and funny Libera interview clips that you might like. Nothing really new, just repackaged in a 6-minute video collection. This one's on my YouTube channel.


Steve Walker
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