Laurence Kilsby

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Laurence Kilsby

Post by john45 »

Who else attended the concert by the Dean’s Close Schola Cantorum at the Pump Room in Cheltenham the day after Libera’s 2009 spring concert at Arundel? There were a number of familiar faces from the Libera concert in attendance. If you were there, you were probably blown away by the performance of young treble Laurence Kilsby.
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LK.jpg (15.04 KiB) Viewed 1146 times
He went on to become Young Chorister of the Year and is now a very successful tenor. Here’s a review of his debut album “Awakenings”: ... ought.html

Re: Laurence Kilsby

Post by Citlec »

I never heard him live but I do have some of the Tewkesbury albums with him singing as a treble and he is fantastic.

I noticed he was due to sing at the Proms with Malakai last September but I didn't make it in the end due to illness.

He's actually one of two Young Choristers of the Year from Dean Close. The second was Cassian Pichler-Roca, who I also never managed to hear live, but I was randomly on the same plane as him to Barcelona.

I'll check out Laurence's new album, thanks. 😊
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