kinda_k00l wrote: ↑<span title="Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:40 pm">6 years ago</span>Okay so after a looooooong time, I'm here to answer your questions (again
Thank you, kinda_k00l, for accepting the challenge!
And well, I find we could simply extend this thread retroactively to a c) part, in other words:
c) What bunch of songs would you choose to introduce Libera to someone else who has never heard of them?
This is a very open question without any restrictions from my part.
Since this results from some misunderstandings, we already have quite a collection of answers, that's fine.
kinda_k00l wrote: ↑<span title="Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:40 pm">6 years ago</span>P.S: regarding to @filiarheni's mention of the podcast:
[...]I think @Surpinto has it uploaded on SoundCloud - if you dig deep enough into his Twitter posts, maybe you'll find it.
Thanks, yes, that might be (but when I think of twitter's searching function ...
). I was wondering if the podcast is still generally accessible, for everybody.
kinda_k00l wrote: ↑<span title="Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:40 pm">6 years ago</span>P.P.S: Now that I clearly read through everything again, I'm really surprised that @filiarheni, you didn't include 'Secret'!
How did I foresee that you would stumble upon that?!
In fact, I thought about including
Secret and I wished to, but decided against it. The reason with regard to b) (Libera style range) is that, although I love
Secret, I don't consider it as unique enough to belong to my "minimum selection". This song is just very special and very personal to me, that's an extremely subjective feeling, while I tried to be as objective as I could with the pure stylistic range. So, others have more right, if I can call it that way, which of course
in no way means a downgrading of my very much loved
And considering c), I simply have experienced that
Secret is not necessarily a song other people especially like, let alone love like I do, and that it's most probably other songs that have more and better effect on them. That's why not!