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YouTube Update

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:12 pm
by FanInPlymouth
I've been spending my Saturday morning uploading 8 short clips to my YouTube Channel Please go and have a look and subscribe if you like it!

As fans of A Certain Choir, you may appreciate the "Silent Monks Sing Halleluja" clip!

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:45 pm
by symphonica7
LOL!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I had no idea that was your youtube.....I laughed so hard at the videos....haha

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:11 pm
by FanInPlymouth
Updated by Bloggy Thingy with a note to Libera re Josh's performance of Veni Veni Emanuel.

Also, some snaps here of St. Georges (Josh, Ben P, Daniel & Tom Cully).


Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:03 pm
by FanInPlymouth
Aside from some snaps here I've also uploaded a short vid of St. George's which you can see here - obviously there is none of the performance but you can see the lads take their bows!


Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:25 am
by FanInPlymouth
Hi All,

I'ver written up (finally!) my fab day at St. George's on the 25th November! Read about my exploits (?) and my meeting with Josh Madine, Ben Philipp, Tom Cully and more!

Michael's Blog

I shall scan and make available the St George's program in the next day or two.

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:38 am
by Malibu
Not sure if this should really be discussed here, but I wanted to say your write up was great. I love how you wrote about your experiences before and after the concert. You are so lucky to have run into, and talked to, so many members. I talked to Mr. Philipp briefly before the Chicago concert. wish I had more time to talk to him, he is a person I could sit down with and talk to for an hour about Libera.

St. George's Concert Programme Scans

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:59 am
by FanInPlymouth
I've now added a couple of more photos to my blog on the St. George's concert and also added scans of each page of the programme. If you want to save them, open the photo in a new tab by right-clicking it and wait for it to gully appear and then choose "save as".

Please note there is a bit opf gap under the photo and Matt Madine. The gap does not appear when I edit the blog but Wordpress insists on putting it in when it's published! Aarrgghh!!

My blogy & scans are here The image below is a small version of the scans on the blog!

Don't forget to rate it and comment please! Thanks!!


Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:07 pm
by AngeModerne
FanInPlymouth wrote:Hi All,

I'ver written up (finally!) my fab day at St. George's on the 25th November! Read about my exploits (?) and my meeting with Josh Madine, Ben Philipp, Tom Cully and more!

Michael's Blog

I shall scan and make available the St George's program in the next day or two.

I loved reading your blog! It was very detailed and pretty funny. I'm glad you had a wonderful time, I wish i could have gone :( but its okay reading your experience made it feel like i was there. Thanks for the photos it was nice to see Tom Cully, he looks so handsome and grown as well as the other boys :D

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:15 pm
by FanInPlymouth
A few people on Twitter have commented that they didn't know Mike Oldfield's 1974 hit of In Dulci Jubilo, so I updated the blog to include this link (or you could click this link!).

Also, some don't know Doctor Who. Really?? :shock: Shame on you!! :D Here's a link to the official site.

New German langugage fan-site / blog

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by timjanni
While trying to find some initial Information about Libera last year it seemed to me that there exists very little actual German content. I would like to spread the word, especially as I know a lot of people interested in common singing and choirs.

I’ve therefore created a new German langugage fan-page / blog and will try to add content and features over the next months. You’ll find it here: Libera-Welt

I’ll try to create a source of Information for new fans and maybe possible supporters and media and I’ll focus on translating information, announcements and stories. Please don’t expect me to spread the latest gossip and rumour, I’m overall no communication driven person. ;)

I might add an English page in case I got something to report myself. But there are already a lot of wonderful English Blogs out here, so the world does not exactly wait for that to happen.

There is a newsfeed available if you want to keep updated on new content. Please let me know if you would like to me to change something or you think that something is inappropriate.

If someone would like to help, please contact me.

Re: New German langugage fan-site / blog

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:38 pm
by Lauren
timjanni wrote:I’ve therefore created a new German langugage fan-page / blog and will try to add content and features over the next months. You’ll find it here: Libera-Welt
Congratulations, Martin! It looks great so far! I tried to have our blog follow your blog yesterday(using the url), but all it shows is that we are following I thought that happened because you weren't quite finished setting up the blog, but the same thing is happening today. Do you have any idea why? :?

Re: New German langugage fan-site / blog

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:26 pm
by timjanni
Lauren wrote: Congratulations, Martin! It looks great so far! I tried to have our blog follow your blog yesterday(using the url), but all it shows is that we are following I thought that happened because you weren't quite finished setting up the blog, but the same thing is happening today. Do you have any idea why? :?
That's a function of Google Blogger. I'll create an account there and test it to find the cause.

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:04 am
by Lauren
Great! Thank you! :D

Re: New German langugage fan-site / blog

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:29 am
by timjanni
timjanni wrote:
Lauren wrote: Congratulations, Martin! It looks great so far! I tried to have our blog follow your blog yesterday(using the url), but all it shows is that we are following I thought that happened because you weren't quite finished setting up the blog, but the same thing is happening today. Do you have any idea why? :?
That's a function of Google Blogger. I'll create an account there and test it to find the cause.
Please point that feed to" onclick=";return false;, worked for me. I have not yet been able to change the base feed. Working on that. :)

Re: Post your blogs!!

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:50 pm
by timjanni
I've added a board to my site for Libera related discussions in German Libera-Welt Forum and a links collection Libera-Welt Links of Libera related websites and resources. Please let me know if I missed something or correct me if needed.