Bonjour, from the South of France

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Bonjour, from the South of France

Post by Dinedorelle »

Hello everybody,
It's not long ago since I became an avid listener of Libera, maybe only a few months back.
However during that time, I've managed to listen to most of their songs, old and new, through YouTube and the like.
I wasn't really a fan of this type of music, but having it on as background music whilst working recently, I've come to really appreciate it, and wanted to know a bit more about how the group came about.
Bizarrely enough, their original song (under the guise of The Philips Church Choir) was with Sal Solo with San Damiano in the early 1980's, which I remember well. Maybe I was a fan back then too but just didn't know it!

So, with their career spanning over 30years, and so many members changes, it got me thinking................
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Re: Bonjour, from the South of France

Post by Surpinto »

Dinedorelle wrote:Hello everybody,
It's not long ago since I became an avid listener of Libera, maybe only a few months back.
However during that time, I've managed to listen to most of their songs, old and new, through YouTube and the like.
I wasn't really a fan of this type of music, but having it on as background music whilst working recently, I've come to really appreciate it, and wanted to know a bit more about how the group came about.
Bizarrely enough, their original song (under the guise of The Philips Church Choir) was with Sal Solo with San Damiano in the early 1980's, which I remember well. Maybe I was a fan back then too but just didn't know it!

So, with their career spanning over 30years, and so many members changes, it got me thinking................
Welcome to Libera Dreams! :D If you remember that song then you must have been paying attention long before most of us here. And as you are from France then a great place for you to check out would be the French Libera fan forum called Libera Passion. But please stick around here too :wink:
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Re: Bonjour, from the South of France

Post by Yorkie »

Hello Dinedorelle and welcome to the forum and the world of Libera.

If you want a definitive history then I know just the blog for you - Libera Historical Timeline. Libera do have a very strong core of French fans to support them at concerts and indeed one of the most Libera fans is a Frenchman (take a bow Fan_de_LoK although he is probably flying back to Paris after watching the boys perform in the Philippines). That forum that Surpinto posted is well worth checking out.

Have you picked a favourite song yet? Mine is Voca Me but I hardly ever mention it.

With that I'll leave you with my traditional welcome to the forum:

If I’ve got owt to say I says it, and if I’ve got owt to ask I asks it.

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Re: Bonjour, from the South of France

Post by paul »

Hi Dinedorelle,

Welcome to the forum.

There is a wealth of information on here about Libera past and present. If you use Twitter, you may wan't to add out Official Libera Dreams twitter. @liberadreams I post info when I have time, but more importantly, website outages or updates.

Always great to have new members and fans.

Paul :D
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