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Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:24 am
by bachmahlerfan
I didn't see a topic dealing specifically with this recording, so I thought I would start a new, more focused topic. Anyways, with "Sacris Solemnis" back in concerts lately, it would be nice to have a new recording of that piece. Frankly, there are several pieces from the Luminosa album that I would like to hear new recordings of, such as "Veni Sancte", "Luminosa", and "Silencium." I suppose "Vespera" deserves a new recording as well, although there is the later version with Aled Jones and Joe Platt as soloists. Having real instruments replace the synthesized versions would be great to hear on the tracks that use them. I don't mean that the synthesizer has to be eliminated, because it does produce sounds in some tracks that can't be reproduced by natural instruments.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:13 pm
by Surpinto
My pick would be "Vespera" as it is one of my all time Libera favorites. I have been amazed by how skillfully certain songs have been revised with extra flourishes and little subtle parts to make them even more amazing, "San Damiano" on the "Hope" album is an example of this when contrasted with their prior recordings of that song. I would love to see "Vespera" get this same sort of treatment and I fail to understand why this song has never been recorded again. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I do not believe that it has been performed at a live show either.

A few of the other songs like "Gaudete", "Ave Maria", and "Attendite" (under the title "Deep Peace") have made it into other albums and have been re-recorded.

I would like to hear "Semele" again but I feel like that was a one off because of Ben Crawley's amazing solo talents at the time. Just like I do not believe that we will ever hear the Schubert "Ave Maria" as originally sung by Thomas Delgado-Little on "Libera in America" live album.

But I do agree that since "Sacris Solemnis" has made it into the tour program that it would not be out of the question that is makes an appearance on the next album.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:40 pm
by Yorkie
Definitely Vespera - Dani and I have been trying to get it on the concert set list by mentioning it at every opportunity 8) No luck so far :lol:

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:27 pm
by Padmachou
I don't think that "Dies Irae" was a Luminosa song, but they have been singing it a lot these last few years, and I hoped it would be in the new album. But it wasn't. Yet it's back on this tour's program... When will they record it again ?
Not from Luminosa either but I'd like to hear a new record of "Orinoco Flow", does it even sound like the old song we know ?

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:03 pm
by andmar
Yorkie wrote: <span title="Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:40 pm">7 years ago</span> Definitely Vespera - Dani and I have been trying to get it on the concert set list by mentioning it at every opportunity 8) No luck so far :lol:
Definitely agree!! The song is beautiful and I guess, it hasn't been sung for a longer while.

Surpinto wrote: <span title="Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:13 pm">7 years ago</span> I have been amazed by how skillfully certain songs have been revised with extra flourishes and little subtle parts to make them even more amazing, "San Damiano" on the "Hope" album is an example of this when contrasted with their prior recordings of that song. I would love to see "Vespera" get this same sort of treatment and I fail to understand why this song has never been recorded again. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I do not believe that it has been performed at a live show either.
The music of Libera develops and old pieces get new arrangements. Would be great to have "Vespera" revised like that.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:14 am
by TullyBascombe
Not a Luminosa song, but I'd like to hear "Sailing" and "Something Sings" recorded again.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:32 am
by Jay_S
TullyBascombe wrote: <span title="Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:14 am">7 years ago</span> Not a Luminosa song, but I'd like to hear "Sailing" and "Something Sings" recorded again.
Something Sings was one of my first 'favorite' Libera songs. It will be hard to find a soloist as good as Ben C to record it again.

filarheni is right of course. I have too many bits of information swirling around in my head to keep track of. I most likely was thinking of Ben C soloing on 'Sing Forever' :D

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:14 am
by bachmahlerfan
I don't know if I should change the subject of this thread to include any Libera song that people feel deserves a new recording. Anyways, I just wanted to add a few more thoughts. First of all, with the Luminosa recording, I was talking about how new versions of certain songs could use natural instruments in place of the synthesized versions used in the original recording. I was referring mainly to the strings and wind instruments, because that album does use a real harp and percussion, but I think the other instrumental sounds are all electronic. If I am wrong about this, feel free to correct me. In my opinion, the version of Caccini's "Ave Maria" from the New Dawn album is a great example of how real instruments can elevate a song from its previous version (the one from the Luminosa album). Finally, I just wanted to mention to Surpinto that while "Attendite" may share similar English lyrics to "Deep Peace" from the Peace album, they are completely separate pieces of music. "Attendite" is a RP composition featuring parts of the Gregorian chant from which the Latin lyrics come, while "Deep Peace" is Libera's rendition of a work by John Rutter.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:07 pm
by dani
I love the Luminosa and songs that I would love to hear in a live setting or on a new cd are

Veni Sancte

Sanctus II



And of course Vespera which surely has to be redone at some point , it's a crime it's never been done live in recent years.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:27 am
by TullyBascombe
Well Steven Gerahty is still with Libera. It was his song after all.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:49 am
by Protiusmime
I must say that the "Luminosa" album is right near the top of my favorites. I have multiple copies of it in case something ever happens to one. They are getting harder to find. My choice of songs i would like to hear re-recorded are:
* Veni Sancte
* Vesper
* Silencium
* Luminosa - DeBussy
* Stabat

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:38 am
by TygrHawk
bachmahlerfan wrote: <span title="Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:14 am">7 years ago</span> Finally, I just wanted to mention to Surpinto that while "Attendite" may share similar English lyrics to "Deep Peace" from the Peace album, they are completely separate pieces of music. "Attendite" is a RP composition featuring parts of the Gregorian chant from which the Latin lyrics come, while "Deep Peace" is Libera's rendition of a work by John Rutter.
Agreed, completely separate, but I find it fascinating that the Latin lyrics in "Attendite" are the same ones in "Ave Verum".

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:42 pm
by filiarheni
Jay_S wrote: <span title="Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:32 am">7 years ago</span> Something Sings was one of my first 'favorite' Libera songs. It will be hard to find a soloist as good as Ben C to record it again.
Michael Horncastle. Not Ben Crawley. :)

For me, Vespera and Stabat would be the most important candidates from that album to deserve a concert revival. But new recordings, that is: new arrangements ... nnno, not necessarily, because the "Luminosa" Versions are just so beautiful. Especially Vespera's sound, exactly as it is, brings a certain, unique atmosphere that I can't describe, with an effect on me that no other song has had so far, and I would highly regret if that got lost.

Stabat: Yes, please, let it make it to the concert set list again as well and changes in arrangement are not required. It's very good and can gladly be brought to our attention again without changes ...

For San Damiano I had wished a new, modern, fresh version, but in the other two cases, I am conservative. :lol: Also a 16 years old song can still be beautiful.

Veni Sancte: Yes, a new recording would be fine.

TygrHawk wrote: <span title="Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:38 am">7 years ago</span> Agreed, completely separate, but I find it fascinating that the Latin lyrics in "Attendite" are the same ones in "Ave Verum".
Robert seems to like combining parts out of different Latin texts and also English words in one song. Neither Libera's Ave Verum nor Attendite show the whole lyrics of the traditional Ave Verum and Attende Domine. For the Deep Peace lyris also exist various musical settings.

Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:02 pm
by kimmysawi
TullyBascombe wrote: <span title="Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:27 am">7 years ago</span> Well Steven Gerahty is still with Libera. It was his song after all.
Even it was the best song and its also a hit one... One one my Favorite (Y)


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Re: Songs from Luminosa CD that Deserve New Recordings

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:26 pm
by dani
I still think arguably this is their strongest album to date.

I would love for this album to be recorded by the new batch of boys to give it a new lease of life.