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Members have incredible (musical) talents

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:53 pm
by Jake4263
Apart from the incredible talent of the singers, the music that accompanies them is sublime.
I particularly appreciate the tittles played on the piano, which I try to reproduce (with great difficulty! I don't know how to read a score, nor recognize a note, but I'm starting to learn...)

I wonder if among you, members of the Libera-Dream forum, some are musicians, amateur or pro or beginner, and if you have videos of you from Libera to share with us!
I am sure that there are other practitioners among you whatever the level 8)

While browsing the Forum, I saw some beautifully played attempts, but also the young Libera choristers have talent on the piano too:
thank you for helping me to fill in if you find other videos
(and the cherry on the cake, if you have tablatures or scores :wink: !)

Josué Wake: I'm the day
Josué Wake - Voca Me
Libera Boys:

Re: Members have incredible (musical) talents

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:18 am
by Jake4263
A very nice Cover of 'Far Away' by a Pianist Takashi YASUNAMI

And tutorial to learn to play it! 👌