Boys Choir Festival - Essen - 17-18 September 2022

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Boys Choir Festival - Essen - 17-18 September 2022

Post by Luckdragon »

Essener Domsingknaben, Regensburger Domspatzen, Knabenchor Hannover (among others?)

September 17:
11:45 Square concert, Burgplatz
19:00 Festive concert, Philharmonie Essen

September 18:
09:00 Singing in the Essen Cathedral followed by pontifical mass

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Re: Boys Choir Festival - Essen - 17-18 September 2022

Post by Luckdragon »


Cantemus in viis Domini (Berger/Gabriel)

From: Singing of God's ways, choir book Pueri Cantores III p. 10 (Würzburg 2011).
Carous 2,093. No. 2.

Or: You are our source, choir book Paderborn Pueri Cantores p. 1. (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969.

Melody: Martin Berger, movement: Thomas Gabriel

Misericordias Domini (Botor)

From: You are our source, choir book Paderborn Pueri Cantores (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969. p. 2 f.

Text and melody: Henryk Jan Botor

Lord, you are my life (Wallrath)

From: You are our source, choir book Paderborn Pueri Cantores p. 48-55 (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969.

Text and melody: Pierangelo Sequeri, translation: Christoph Biskupek, setting: Klaus Wallrath

Magnificat (Kärmer)

From: Singing of God's ways, choir book Pueri Cantores III p. 58 (Würzburg 2011).
Carous 2,093. #28

Sentence: Klaus Kramer

Da pacem, Domine (Melchior Franck)

From: Choir Festival 2004, Choir Book Pueri Cantores p. 106 (Cologne 2004).
Carous 2,095. No. 46.

Or: You are our source, choir book Paderborn Pueri Cantores p. 2 (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969.

I want to sing to you

Motto canon: Harald Martini


Now rejoice the Lord, all the world (Brown/Kiefer)

In: God loves this world, choir book Trier Pueri Cantores p. 18-21 (Trier 2015).
Baerenreiter BA6928.

Melody: Thomas Tallis, Setting: Kenneth Brown, Arrangement: Thomas Kiefer

Kyrie (Missa Fidem cantemus, Hot)

From: You are our source, Choir Book Paderborn Pueri Cantores. pp. 17-26 (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969.

Composition: Christian Matthias Heiss

Gloria (Missa Pueri Cantores Treverensis, Hot)

From: You are our source, choir book Paderborn Pueri Cantores p. 27-43 (Paderborn 2019).
Baerenreiter BA8969.

Composition: Christian Matthias Heiss

Psalm: Sicut cervus desiderat (Part I, GP Palestrina)

Composition: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Hallelujah: GL 175, 2 with coda (Menschick)

From: Eight Hallelujah Choral Movements,
Jubilate Verlag 1993, RM 336

Composition: Wolfram Menschick

Credo III (with insert, Sperling)

From: Singing of God's ways, choir book Pueri Cantores III (Würzburg 2011).
Carous 2,093. No. 82a p. 173.

Inset composition: Oliver Sperling

Call for intercession: GL 182, 2 You are with us in our midst, you hear us, God.

T: Thomas Laubach, M: Thomas Quast

Lord, we bring in bread and wine , GL 184 With polyphonic choral verses (Offele)

T: Hans Bernhard Meyer, melody: Peter Janssens, movement: Winfried Offele

Sanctus (Missa Papae Marcelli, GP Palestrina)

From: Breitkopf & Härtel - Choir Library 3065
ISMN 979-0-004-40305-1

Composition: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Agnus Dei (Missa Cantabo Domino, Bumblebee)

from Op. 16, Schott Choral Music C53087
ISMN 979-0-001-15431-4

Composition: Bertold Hummel Op. 16

Communion (individual contributions)

Hymn: Praise the Lord (H. Schubert)

From: Choir Festival 2004, Choir Book Pueri Cantores (Cologne 2004).
Carous 2,095. No. 20 p. 77.

Sentence: Heino Schubert

I want to sing to you

Motto canon: Harald Martini
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Re: Boys Choir Festival - Essen - 17-18 September 2022

Post by theriverflowson »

I was very lucky to have such an event in my neighbouring city Essen. :P

Yesterday noon (Saturday), the Essener Domsingknaben and Capella Ludgeriana from Münster mostly presented German folk songs to the public on a stage next to Essen Cathedral. I found it a good idea to address passers-by with some secular music and it was joined by many people despite the rainy weather.

In the evening, a gala concert ("Pueri Cantores") took place at Philharmonie Essen. Beside the host Essener Domsingknaben and the already mentioned Capella Ludgerina am Dom zu Münster, the following choirs took part as well: Mainzer Domchor, Kölner Domchor, Regensburger Domspatzen, Freiburger Domsingknaben, Knabenchor Hannover.

The concept of the concert was quite similar to the Nuremberg festival this summer. Every choir presented some songs, most of which where spiritual ones (see attached programme). All choirs had male voices with them and like in Nuremberg two or three male-only songs were presented, while the boys remained sitting. In the end, all choirs together sang "Abendlied" (Rheinberger).

It was a fantastic concert evening for me and a well-appreciated opportunity to experience some of the most popular German choirs live for the first time :D
Pueri Cantores_Programme_17-09-2022.jpg
Pueri Cantores_Programme_17-09-2022.jpg (836.25 KiB) Viewed 406 times
Pueri Cantores_Programme_17-09-2022.jpg
Pueri Cantores_Programme_17-09-2022.jpg (836.25 KiB) Viewed 406 times
Last edited by theriverflowson on Mon Sep 19, 2022 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Boys Choir Festival - Essen - 17-18 September 2022

Post by Surpinto »

Wow! Sounds like a great concert. Thanks for sharing all of that with us. :D
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